Comfort, function, and appearance are the 3 key elements to achieving the optimal prosthesis. Each element is designed based on the needs and desires of each individual client.

Comfort: Ensuring that the prosthesis is comfortable to wear is absolutely critical to its success for a client. We adopt a meticulous approach to ensure the socket connecting the prosthesis to the body is comfortable to wear.

Function: Optimising functionality is vital. Selecting the most appropriate prosthetic technology is essential to restore function for clients to have confidence in the performance of their prosthesis. STEPS Prosthetics are entirely independent and have the freedom and expertise to recommend and fit the components that are best suited to each client’s functional needs.

Appearance: The appearance and style of prostheses is a very personal choice and there are many options available to clients to achieve the cosmetic finish they desire. STEPS Prosthetics offer many different designs and styles of prostheses including customised socket finishes, highly realistic custom silicone and 3D printed bespoke covers.

